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ホーム > 組織でさがす > 国際課 > NAKA08(Nihonmatsu-city):Your New Best Friend!(HAMA、NAKA、AIZU!)

NAKA08(Nihonmatsu-city):Your New Best Friend!(HAMA、NAKA、AIZU!)

印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2014年4月22日更新

Working on HAMANAKAAIZU, we have many opportunities to travel around the prefecture.

“There aren’t enough trains on the Tohoku main line!” “We’ll never be able to transfer to the bus in time!”

As if in answer to our prayers we were lucky enough to come across man’s less hairy, more metallic best friend in the form of ‘Rental Cycles’. They’re even power assisted!


Steep streets?

画像ではわかりづらいが、実は急勾配? 別角度です

The No 4. Highway(which few pedestrians dare to challenge)?


The rental cycle laughs in the face of such measly obstacles.


If you ever find yourself in Fukushima, try them out!

 They make for the perfect travelling companion.