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Initiatives for promoting industrial clusters in the field of renewable energy

印刷用ページを表示する 掲載日:2021年7月9日更新

Fukushima's Vision of Renewable Energy

Fukushima Prefecture aims to become "a frontrunner in the field of renewable energy" and places the promotion of renewable energy as a pillar of its reconstruction plan (The Fukushima Revitalization Plan). The prefecture is now working towards the target of covering 100% equivalent of the prefecture's energy demand with newly introducing renewable energy by around 2040.

target 2040

Fukushima's Challenge Concerning Renewable Energy

Fukushima Prefecture sets up the "Fukushima Renewable Energy Promotion Vision", which aims to promote the introduction of renewable energy while also fostering new industries and creating jobs. To implement the vision, the prefecture has set up the "Ladder of Development Plan" and been implementing various kinds of projects based on this plan.

Ladder of development plan

Ladder of Development Plan

  • Human Resource Development
  • Networking
  • Supporting R&D
  • Verification & Demonstration
  • Business Expansion
  • Overseas Expansion

Fukushima Renewable Energy Research Association

The Fukushima Renewable Energy Research Association consists of approx. 860 members including companies, universities and organizations from the renewable energy industry. Its aim is to develop collaborative R&D among the members by holding networking events, seminars and study tours.

Fukushima Renewable Energy Research Association

Research and Development

The Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA) was established in April 2014 as the research base of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in line with the government's "Basic Guidelines for Reconstruction in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake" (July 2011).

Renewable energy is a valuable domestic energy resource for Japan, essential for the prevention of global warming as well as for sustainable development.

There are high expectations for mass deployment of renewable energy, but its wide use raises various issues that must be solved, including output fluctuation, high cost and regional variation.

Main Research Themes

  • Energy Integration
  • PV Cells
  • Ground-source Heat
  • Wind Power
  • Geothermal
  • Hydrogen

(Photo courtesy of AIST)

Fukushima Hydrogen Energy Research Field (FH2R)

The Fukushima Hydrogen Energy Research Field (FH2R), is a national project and a 10MW large-scale hydrogen production facility, located in Namie Town.

In this demonstration project, technology to produce, transport and store hydrogen made from PV is being developed. Fukushima-made hydrogen will be used during the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020.


(Photo courtesy of Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)

Renewable Energy Industrial Fair (REIF Fukushima)

The Renewable Energy Industrial Fair (REIF) Fukushima is one of the biggest local exhibitions of the renewable energy related industry in Japan. Delegations from the states of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and the state of Hamburg in Germany, as well as Denmark and the Basque country in Spain exhibited physically and virtually at REIF Fukushima in 2020 to expand their business in Japan.

REIF Fukushima

Partnership with Countries Overseas

In order to promote the introduction of renewable energy and the development and accumulation of related industries, Fukushima Prefecture has been advancing economic exchange with leading countries and municipalities in the field of renewable energy, such as the states of NRW and the state of Hamburg in Germany, as well as Denmark and the Basque country in Spain.