Introductionto Oze


[S]Season / [P]Place

Nikko day lily (Broad dwarf day lily)

[S]Early - late July,


In mid-July, yellow fl owers color the marshland, and they bustle with climbers come to spot these fl owers.

Skunk cabbage

[S]Mid May - mid June

[P]marshland, woodland

Plant representative of Oze that blooms with the melting snow, forming colonies in the various marshes.

Great sundew (Cape sundew)

[S]Early July - early August

[P]Ozegahara, Numajiri Marsh

A rare carnivorous plant that thrives around the lake edges of marshland.


[S]Mid July - mid August

[P]Oe Marsh

Grows large pink flowers on a plant of height 1-1.5m.

Arctic iris

[S]Mid June - mid July

[P]marshland, colonizes edges of Ozenuma

Purple flowers that are often seen around Lake Ozenuma.

White hellebore

[S]Mid June - mid July

[P]marshland, woodland, alpine grassland

In years when flowers are abundant, a carpet of white flowers spreads across the ground.

Water lily

[S]Late June - late August

[P]Ozegahara, Ponds of Numajiri

Flowers open in the morning, and close in the evening. Leaves turn red in fall.

Creeping dogwood

[S]Early June - late July


Flowers only bloom within the groups of six leaves, not within the groups of four leaves.

Keyflower orchid

[S]Mid June - mid July

[P]marshland, woodland edge

It displays vivid magenta flowers in the marshland of early summer.

Akamono (Gaultheria adenothrix)

[S]Mid June - mid July


White flowers, resembling Lily of the valley, that bloom on the forest floor.

Chinguruma (Geum pentapetalum)

[S]Early June - early July

[P]marshland, high mountains

Colonies can be found in Numajiri, Mt. Tashiro, and Mt. Aizukoma.

Ginryoso (Monotropastrum humile)

[S]Early June - mid July


A plant without chlorophyll, also called as Ghost mushroom.

Iwanashi (Epigaea asiatica)

[S]Mid May - mid June


Small pink flowers heralding spring in Oze.

Tussock cottongrass

[S]Late June - early July


After it has finished flowering, it bears seed-heads like tufts of cotton.