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Monitoring inspection results of agricultural, forestry and fishery products [An overview]

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > Ensuring safety and security > Ensuring the safety and security of food > Monitoring inspection results of agricultural, forestry and fishery products [An overview]
To print view 2023年5月26日更新

In addition to the emergency monitoring of Fukushima Prefecture's agricultural, forestry and fisheries products for commercial shipment and sale (excluding products from areas with shipping restrictions), rigorous inspections such as all grains and all bags of rice inspection are conducted proactively by the group of producers, and the results of these inspections are disclosed on the website and other platforms.

Emergency monitoring results for agricultural, forestry and fisheries products in FY2022 (as of March 31, 2023).

Emergency environmental radiation monitoring test results for agricultural, forestry, and fishery products in FY2022 (as of February 28, 2023)

  • For detailed inspection results, information on restricted or self-restrained consumption and shipment items, please refer to ​this page.(Japanese Only)

Website introduction, monitoring inspection of agricultural, forestry and fisheries products

Inspection results are provided by product category or by local municipality.

Fukushima Prefecture agricultural, forestry and fisheries product processed food monitoring information

Agricultural, forestry and fisheries product monitoring inspection information (Conducted by Fukushima Prefecture)

Fukushima Prefecture agricultural, forestry, and fishery product and processed food monitoring information

Fukushima agricultural products

Inspection results of all grains/bags of rice and that of voluntary inspection conducted by a group of local producers

Fukushima agricultural products

Summary of Emergency Monitoring Inspection results for FY2022 (shipment confirmation inspection) 

FY2022 Inspection overview

  • In FY2022, a total of 11,208 monitoring inspections were conducted for 477 agricultural, forestry and fisheries products for commercial shipment and sale as shipment confirmation tests.
  • As a result, the standard value was exceeded in one case in pasture and feed crops.
  • For grains, vegetables and fruits, livestock products and fisheries, more than 95% of subject under inspection measured the value below detection limit.
  • Lower limit of detection varies depending on product category but generally ranges from 5 to 10 Bq/kg. Individual values are listed in the monitoring test results published on the website each time the inspections are conducted.
  • Click here for the latest inspection results.(Japanese Only)​


Results of previous emergency environmental radiation monitoring tests (shipment confirmation tests)  (March 2011 to March 2023)

Number of inspections and items and that of instances exceeding the limit

Number of tests and items with exceedances.

Breakdown of inspection items and summary of inspection results

  • From FY2011 to the end of March 2023, the number of inspections conducted on agricultural, forestry and fishery products for commercial shipment and sale was 270,391 (excluding results from regions with shipping restrictions imposed).
  • Over a 12-years period from FY2011 to FY2022, proportion of cases exceeding the standard values has consistently decreased. Particularly, there has been no case of exceeding standard values for livestock products and cultivated mushrooms since FY 2012, and for vegetables, fruits, and inland cultured fish since FY2013.
    (Excluding one case of "Chestnuts" from a specified field exceeding the standard value detected in September 2017, of which sale was discontinued in October 2012, cultivation management terminated yet research continued until December 5, 2018 when the trees were removed.)
  • Please see below for a list of inspection results by item by fiscal year.

Transition in the proportion of case exceeding standard values by item







Livestock products

 Livestock products1
 Livestock products2

Fishery products


Forestry products

 Forestry products1

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