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Response taken by Fukushima Prefecture

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > Decommissioning and decontamination > List of archived articles > Response taken by Fukushima Prefecture
To print view 2016年3月7日更新

In Fukushima Prefecture, the monitoring system is being reinforced in order to ensure that efforts are made safely and steadily to proceed with the reactor decommissioning work by taking measures against contaminated water and extracting the fuel.

Prefectural Safety Checking System

Local representatives

Nuclear experts and local representatives with professional expertise are assigned.

  • Nuclear measure supervisors - Offer political proposals with regard to the safety measures taken for reactor decommissioning.
  • Nuclear managers - Check the efforts made for reactor decommissioning from the viewpoint of experts.
  • Local representatives - Assigned to Naraha-machi in order to conduct the monitoring activities in a place located closer to the site.

Implementation of the monitoring of the sea area surrounding the nuclear power plant.

As problems, such as the leakage of contaminated water occurred frequently, the measures are being reinforced by, for example, increased frequency in measuring the radioactivity of the seawater ("sea area monitoring") in the sea area surrounding the nuclear power plant.

Safety Monitoring Council, Prefectural Safety Assurance Conference

Image: Prefectural Safety Checking System

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