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Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website Making it a reality, one at a time. Fukushima


Information on various monitoring inspections, etc.

Current location Fukushima Revitalization Information Portal Website > Radiation monitoring information/basic knowledge of radiation > Environmental radiation monitoring > Information on various monitoring inspections, etc.
To print view 2024年7月22日更新

Environmental radiation in living spaces, etc.

Monitoring information is provided on the above page

Result of Sea Area Monitoring Associated with the Discharge of ALPS Treated Water into the Sea

Results of environmental radioactivity monitoring around the nuclear power stations [Japanese only]

・Results of air dose rate measurements (monitoring posts, schools, child welfare facilities, urban parks, tourist attractions, etc.)

・Results of radioactive material measurements (airborne dust, seawater/seabed soil, bathing water, pool water, drinking water/groundwater, etc.)

Sewerage systems



Prefectural lumber

Decontamination and Interim Storage Facility-related

Agricultural, forestry and fisheries products



Fisheries products

Vegetables for private consumption

Wild birds and animals

Drinking water

Processed foods, etc.

Mushrooms and wild vegetables

School lunches

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Fukushima Prefectural Government

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Tel: +81-(0)24-521-1111
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